e-Samwad, Himachal Pradesh

e-Samwad is the primary communication channel between the government school teachers and the parents in Himachal.

e-Samwad has helped parents of government school students in Himachal Pradesh experience the power of proactive personalised SMS-based communication from teachers. We hope this becomes a new normal for all government schools in India.

Angmo Katwal, Community Coordinator, SSA, HP

Launched April, 2020

Schools Using
Parent’s reached
Average Session Time
e-Samwad is a highly scalable and configurable open source application wired together using the open source SamagraX Mobile Application Component, App Metadata Management Component, Database Management Component, Data Analytics Component, Application Logging Component & Communication & Alerts Component.

Media Coverage

Now the teacher will send an SMS of every activity of children in Himachal

Amarujala | July 29, 2019 | Media

Connecting government school teachers to parents in Himachal Pradesh

Nexus of Good | July 15, 2020 | Media

बच्चे ने स्कूल में क्या पढ़ा अभिभावक को आएगा एसएमएस

Jagran | October 6, 2020 | Media

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